Music Evangelist
Recording Engineer
Music Historian
Music Collector
Musician Extraordinaire
Rock & Roll Deity
Software Engineer
All Around Nice Guy
NSS Discography
Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell
(Live At Merlin's)
Released: December 14, 2024
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198999418354
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Review: RagMag
There is nothing like listening to a live performance, especially when the audience is as engaged as the performers.
When I finally decided to record this hidden gem from ZZ Top's sophomore effort,
I knew live was the only way to properly frame it.
The audience is as crucial to the performance as the players themselves, heightening the tension and pushing the band to hold on until
they climax with such force that the crowd, panting and screaming, begs for more.
Then again, you can always fake it in the studio like everyone else does.
Star Gazer
Released: August 5, 2024
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198595378069
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I played a couple of shows with Karling Abbeygate
in Las Vegas back in the '90s and was originally supposed to play bass on her 1998 album, Glory Girl.
Back then, the ability to record remotely wasn't as easy as it is now, so I never did fulfill that task, but I did get an autographed copy of the album,
along with a credit in the liner notes.
I've been pushing myself to record a heavier track and sing in a higher register, and I knew that Star Gazer would be the perfect vehicle to fulfill this challenge.
It also gave me an opportunity to again feature my good friend,
Mike Crisione, on guitar as he is a natural-born shredder.
Use Me
(Post Pandemic Refresh)
Released: May 13, 2024
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198500762761
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Review: RagMag
I’ve always viewed my 2019 recording of Use Me as a demo.
The arrangement was solid, with drums and guitars full of groove and energy, yet the bass lacked depth, and the vocals yearned for emotion.
Moreover, the mix didn’t quite capture the essence I envisioned.
Fast forward five years, and my newly recorded bass lines groove with intention, the vocals resonate with newfound clarity, and the funky undertones of Dr. Frey’s Hammond B3 organ replace the banal synth loop of yesteryear.
The original version marked my first collaboration with the photogenic Devin “The Dog Sitter.”
Now, my skills in graphic design have evolved in tandem, breathing fresh life into the cover photo that encapsulates the spirit of the song.
Did It Again
Released: March 7, 2024
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198500209914
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
To say that I move at a snail’s pace would be an understatement.
The completion of this song was such a lengthy process that, sadly, two of the musicians involved have since passed away.
Albeit not a widely held opinion, I consider Kylie Minogue’s 1997 album "Impossible Princess" nothing short of a masterpiece.
Unlike her introspective approach, I chose to write this song from the perspective of an outsider, questioning the decisions of the person who is the focus of my ire
which explains the aggressiveness of my vocals.
As delved in my mind into the creation of this song, I realized that guitar tracks were recorded nearly fifteen years ago whilst other instruments were added,
altered, adjusted, re-recorded, and even ultimately discarded in favor of a different direction.
With nearly nine different musicians contributing to this track, it’s challenging to single out any one part as each contribution fits together like a puzzle piece,
creating a complete picture.
However, I would like to dedicate this song to two of the performers, Randall Cousins (1952-2011) and “Feedback” Bernie Steves (1959-2023).
Randall’s theremin part, recorded around 2010, was recently discovered among the song files and added to the first chorus, providing a disturbing "watch out, she’s a wacko" vibe
warning the listener to be on their guard.
Feedback, who sometime in the last ten years tracked that wailing harp solo in fewer than three takes, kept pestering me to release the song so he could hear it in
case he "accidentally died", ultimately went off and did.
Both are sorely missed but thankfully live on in this song.
And lastly, I would be remiss in not thanking Devin The Dog Sitter for graciously allowing me to use another one of her stunning photos for the cover.

California (Queen Of Light)
(Post Pandemic Refresh)
Released: November 23, 2023
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198026390622
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I've been a fan of this Falconeers track for years, but I've always felt that my 2020 rendition didn't quite do it justice.
After stretching my vocal abilities for 'Hymn 43', I gained a clearer understanding of how I wanted to sing.
This insight made me realize that I needed to revisit California (Queen Of Light) and give it the mix and vocals that a song of its caliber truly deserves.
Hymn 43
Released: May 27, 2023
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198025247842
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I wanted to let loose, so I crushed barriers with my wrecking crüe.
Even though none of us were in the same room, time zone, or even hemisphere for that matter, I challenged myself to make it appear that way by carefully layering the instruments from the ground up.
That said, I'm not only pleased with how Hymn 43 came up, but I'm also happy that I was able to push my voice higher and harder than I've done in the past, but still maintain some control.
Released: August 29, 2022
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198004202732
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
As an artist who likes to challenge himself, I decided that I would take a stab at the Spanish pop Despacito.
Some days it took me three (3) days to sing three (3) lines; it was brutal to try and sing in a language you are unfamiliar with all along the way, trying not to sound like a gringo.
Idz Do Domu Spacz Part III
(The Ten Years After Remix)
Released: March 12, 2022
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198003205444
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I thought I had lost the original tracks, but found them, but in tandem with my cousin Nina, we decided to retrack our vocals as we are in a better/different place now than we
were when we first did our monologues.
Since the Knife had passed, I asked Mike Criscione to do the guitar solo honors and even though I was hesitant at first, I've grown to love his concept and execution.
Take Good Care Of Mama
Released: September 25, 2021
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198002174499
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I had a fellow middle-aged friend who was enjoying the company of a man almost half her age, which didn't bother me in the least as if she can get some young meat, more power to her.
I would still chide her by telling her to remind him to "take good care of mama" and as a result, I wound up having that chorus melody stuck in my head forcing me
to create a humorous little narrative to support said monster chorus.
Funny bit of trivia, "Mama" was the one who took the cover photo as the sign I was pointing to originally stated, "Do Not Finger Your Cuphole".
So Alive
Released: April 10, 2021
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 198000050719
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
I remember So Alive back in 1989 when it was a huge hit for Love & Rockets and then one day it struck me...this is a blues song...so, I made it a blues song and added a Motown
vibe because it told me that's where it wanted to go.
If you are keeping track, this is Devin the Dog Sitter's fourth (4th) appearance as my "cover girl".
All That And Brains Too...
Released: November 20, 2020
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 195448764345
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
How would the 50-year-old me produce the 26-year-old me? Well, knowing what an argumentative, egotistical asshole the younger me was (and maybe still is), I decided to wait over 20 years and revisit another of my favorites from my second CD, 1998's Have You Met Edna?
Bringing in the original team of Dr. Frey and Mike Criscione was a must and I think they personally relished the chance to revisit their old playing as well.
Augmenting the originals was the ever dependable Tim O'Connell on drums and for my first time in our long history of music and friendship, the Reverend Paul Gipp makes an appearance on one of my tracks with the percussion "secret sauce" that makes this track just glide.
And I don't know why she lets me do it, but a thousand thank yous to the ever striking Devin the Dog Sitter who allows me to use her dazzling pictures on my MP3 singles.
So there you have it, an older, more haggard approach to the younger me pining for the ever-elusive musical success as I careen down this road we call life.

California (Queen Of Light)
Released: January 1, 2020
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 194660475978
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
When I first heard California (Queen Of Light) from Chris Squier’s 2005 album No Ordinary
Anything, I was completely smitten.
Everything from its captivating lick to Chris’ soaring vocals resonated with me and I spent many a year enjoying this brilliant song.
Devin, my resplendent dog sitter, added the final sheen by allowing me to use one of her winsome photos for the cover art.
Please Don't Set Me Up With Your Ugly Friends
Released: July 26, 2019
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 194171463549
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: After over twenty years since it's initial release, I think this song deserved a much-needed revisit and due to the fact that most of the original players have their own studios, I was able to assemble the team that first appeared in 1998, save Jack Lawson, who's killer slide guitar part was replaced with a pedal steel player I found on Fiverr.
The Disengaged Man Listens
Released: March 25, 2019
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 193428856431
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: With a friendship going on thirty (30) years, I decided to revisit one of my artist adventures with Uncle Rick from the mid-90s and give it a much-needed upgrade.
Use Me
Released: January 25, 2019
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 193428494015
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Believe it or not, the cover model is my dog sitter and when I first saw this picture on Instagram, I just loved the late 60's/early 70's vibe that emanated from it.
Musically, the Bill Withers classic, Use Me, has the same breezy aura so I decided to record my version with a modicum amount of instrumentation in order to allow the groove to flow, yet build without being indomitable.
Don't Step On The Grass, Sam
(The Jibmaster Remix)
Released: August 31, 2018
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 192914748236
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: A revisit/remix of the same track from 2006's No Talent Necessary...No Travel Required. I've always loved this track ever since I heard the Gov't Mule version and with this mix, I am finally satisfied with my attempt.
Wild Dogs
Released: April 27, 2018
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 192914147190
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: I've always been a big fan of this Tommy Bolin classic and since 2018 is the Year of the Dog, I would say that had he lived, I'm sure the 67-year-old Tommy would have appreciated my tribute.
Life Of A Dog
Released: August 19, 2017
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 191061795520
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: After Chunkhead Jeff passed away in 2015, I thought it would be nice to resurrect this song so that other people could enjoy his lyrical genius.
New Clothes
Released: July 18, 2017
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 191061834229
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: I played bass on Greg Klyma's original version back in 2000 and the song stuck with me through many a tough time. After years of working and reworking it, I'm glad to finally release my take.
Mr. Handpuppet Man
Released: October 31, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394975302
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: After twenty years, this song definitely deserves a new set of wheels.
Idz Do Domu Spacz Part II
(The Ten Years After Remix)
Released: June 6, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394523275
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: My buddy Anival lived a life a crime and this is one of many stories that he has regaled us with throughout the years.
(The Ten Years After Remix)
Released: May 31, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394523268
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: Wrote this little ditty about my girlfriend at the time who subsequently became my (ex)wife. I guess the plane crash back to the original theme takes on a whole new meaning now.
Idz Do Domu Spacz Part I
(The Ten Years After Remix)
Released: May 24, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394523237
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: I met Alenko the Great years ago when I worked as a strip club DJ and he was the manager. Having just come from war torn Croatia, he was full of stories about his homeland and one night, I was fortunate to be able to have a mic handy to catch them.
(The Ten Years After Remix)
Released: March 9, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394358457
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: It has been ten years since No Talent Necessary...No Travel Required was released and my studio chops have grown immensely, so I wanted to give this tune a much deserved chance to shine in a better light.
I Know Why God Made Me This Way
Released: March 1, 2016
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 190394331283
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Written with Paul A. Hotchkiss (whom I've never met) and originally produced by my good friend, the late Randall Cousins.
I've always wanted to redo my vocals and thankfully Randy gave me the bed tracks a long time ago as his passing came as a surprise. Randy used to give me songs all the time to write lyrics to and they were a struggle, but hopefully this will encompass the struggles that everyday touring musicians face and the reason we keep on doing it.
Sleeping Pitbull
Released: September 8, 2015
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 889211862436
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: Starring my beloved dog, Aspen, this is kind of a trance, jazzy groove that should lull you into a false sense of security until puppy starts dreaming about squirrels and bunnies.
Paranoid Eyes
Released: July 7, 2015
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 889211723454
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
The Final Cut, by Pink Floyd, is my favorite album from their oeuvre and I started doing Paranoid Eyes at shows in 2002 whilst going through my divorce. This is my interpretation of an amazing song.
In July of 2016, almost a year after its release, Paranoid Eyes was the winner of the Floydian Slip 6th Annual Surrogate Bands all-covers contest.
The Ballad Of Hillary
Released: June 1, 2015
Format: MP3 Single
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 889211618446
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: Written by my late friend Joe Pither, this is my interpretation (based on his original, albeit pitch shifted tracks) of his wonderfully angry and cynical attack at a potential president. If he only knew when he wrote it back then...
No Talent Necessary...No Travel Required
Released: June 6, 2006 (06/06/06)
Format: CD and MP3
Record Label: Baphomet's Lounge
UPC: 692863104928
Purchase/Listen: ,
and many others.
Notes: Heavily influenced by electronica godfathers Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk and Vangelis, this is my exploration and homage to the electronica world I loved so much growing up and still do for that matter.
Beat-up Old Ugly Cynical & Live
Released: December 9, 2000
Format: CD
UPC: 779807902625
Purchase: Baphomets Lounge
Notes: Recoreded live on my 30th birthday (03/25/2000), this is the darkest album in my oeuvre. Warts and all, it has it's moments.
Have You Met Edna?
Released: August 30, 1998
Format: CD
UPC: 799807902029
Purchase: Baphomets Lounge
Notes: I wanted to record a southern rock/country album...and I did.
Mr. Handpuppet Man And Other Campfire Favorites
Released: September, 1996
Format: CD
Purchase: Baphomets Lounge
Notes: Where it all began...